Royal Court Pussy Riot

Royal Court Pussy Riot Top / Details
Writers, artists and performers will come together to bring the punk political spirit of the Pussy Riot to the Royal Court's Wilson Studio for an afternoon of anarchic artistic expression, inspired by Pussy Riot's iconic protest. The day will include new short plays by young British and Russian playwrights, including responses from E.V. Crowe, Rachel Delahay, Yaroslava Pulinovich, Penelope Skinner and Yulia Yakovleva as well as performances of material from the Pussy Riot courtroom trial. Audiences will be encouraged to enter into the riotous spirit of Pussy Riot by becoming active participants in the day, responding in person and live on social media. The afternoon will culminate in a panel discussion (4.45pm): What is the relationship between the arts and political change today and what does this have to do with feminism? (Are feminist artists in Britain just ‘pussy'?). The panel includes playwright E.V. Crowe, jounalist Vadim Nikitin, musician "Emmy the Great":, writer and poet "Kate Tempest":, and chaired by journalist Joanna Biggs, assistant editor of London Review of Books. For more information about the discussion "visit the dedicated page":


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